Sunday, September 28, 2008

BYU shower

My mom and sister's threw me a shower on Saturday that was so much fun!! It was a BYU themed shower, and they did such a great job putting it together. Again, we got some great things from everyone...
I just want to thank them for all the time and effort they put into this. From the invitations to the decorations, from the food and games to the party favors... it was so much fun! Also, I just want to say thanks for all of the support the past 3 months. I couldn't have done this without your encouragement and love! I LOVE YOU!!!


Josh, Amanda, and Talon said...

That sure was a fun shower, I just wish I had gotten the memo of the blue BYU shirts. I sure looked out of place.

Ben and Melissa Ellis said...

I know why I wasn't invited to that party? Totally kidding. It sounds like it was lots of fun. I sure hope you are getting lots of stuff for little Zach to come home. We need to hang out again soon.

The Doutts said...

Allie I found you blog by stalking:) It sure sounds like alot is happen in your life right now. I hope that things continue to go well with your precious baby boy. It's good to see you, on screen anyway. Keep in touch