Monday, September 15, 2008

Family Time

Saturday Jared and I went to the BYU/UCLA game. WOW! That was a fun time to see BYU completely blow UCLA out of the water... 59-0!! Good times...
Then, later that night we went with my family (minus Beck, who was at Homecoming!) to the mountains for a picnic. We made foil dinners, did a carmel apple crisp in the dutch oven, and played games. It was cold (OK, if we had planned a little better, it wouldn't have been so bad!), and it got dark really fast, but we had such a good time getting away for a few hours. Here are some pics from the day...


Ben and Melissa Ellis said...

That was a killer game. Goodness talk about a whooping. I am glad you guys had fun at it. Hey I got your shower invite do you guys need anything inparticular? clothes? blankets? or are there things you already have gotten lots of? Let me know so I don't duplicate.

kristi said...

Looks like a fun time in the mountains. Did the dessert work out? Sounds delicious!! And it was a great BYU game. We'll have to go with you one time.

Josh, Amanda, and Talon said...

Okay, that was a lot of fun. I think we need to plan something fun like this every month.


ohh how FUN!! That is the perfect little get to enjoy the fun activities that go with camping but you don't have to sleep in a tent and freeze the whole night and find bugs in your hair in the morning!! Cute pics..isn't your shower next weekend? YAY I finally get to buy blue and green and red..Pink is all we have at our house:)


I set our profile to private so send me your email address and i will send you an invite.

REYNOLDS FAMILY said... email address is

Wanna be farm girl said...


This is the McDonalds from the branch, Carrisa found your blog and zach's bog today. We are so excited that Zach is doing so well and that he is making great strides.

Also we want that yummy sounding caramel apple dessert...that's sounds so good.
