Friday, June 12, 2009


So better late than never, right?! (Sorry to my sister!)
Last week, June 4th, my sister Becky graduated from Copper Hills High School! We are so excited for her and she looked so happy that day. What an achievement! She also graduated from seminary on Sunday and that is a great acheivement too! We are all so proud of her and her amazing desire to learn (She is the smartest one in our family, I bet!).

Now, she gets ready to venture to Southern Utah University, and as much as I want her to go and get that college experience, I am already really sad to see the day coming closer and closer... I don't want her to go! If I miss her already, and she's still here, what am I going to do when she's actually gone?!
...This happened when Amanda moved too!


Josh, Amanda, and Talon said...

I just really don't want her to go! Let's plan an intervention of sorts!

becky said...

hehe you are so cute! i was thinking of coming thursday day...thoughts?