Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Craft projects

Now that I am a stay at home mom (that sounds so weird!!), I want some ideas on fun craft projects, or even other things I could make/do, so I feel productive and have something new and fun to do!! I always love to see peoples homes around any holiday because there are such cute decorations out there... so maybe if someone has ideas even in that direction...
Anyway if you have any ideas, or if you yourself do something that's fun and you want to share (pictures are great too), I would love to hear about it!!


Ryan said...

Avery has some pretty interesting crafts that she leaves in her diapers for us to find in the middle of the night... you could come over and take care of some of them for us... :)

Ben and Melissa Ellis said...

Oh I need some good projects too. So did you quit your job? How are you adjusting to being a mom? Projects....are you a could make Zach a nice scrapbook. Or one of my projects is to make a video scrapbook for Logan just of all the things we have of him on tape. I don't really have a lot of ideas for projects as I usually don't have a lot of time for them. As a random craft project I want to take cake decorating classes. I think that would be fun.

Lindsay Cutler said...

I just came across your blog from bouncing in between other peep's blogs! i just want to tell you how sweet your testimony was today in church. Thank you for sharing. What a tough road you have been on and for the sweet reward it is to have your baby home now with you. I am so thrilled for you guys! Let me know if you need anything...we are only down the street. :-)

As far as crafts are concerned... mode podge is wonderful... that is the extent of crafts i am capable of!