Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I thought I would do a quick post on how Zack is doing. A week ago we got a call from the hospital saying that Zack had taken a little turn for the worst (that is the type of call I dread everyday!). They had found some blood in his lungs, which meant that a little valve in his heart wasn't closed like it should be. So they had to take him to Primary Children's Hospital for surgery. The surgery went well and there were immediate improvements in Zack. Since then, he has been doing very well and has been transferred back to St. Mark's Hospital.
Again, I just want to thank everyone for the prayers and concerns for us! It means a lot to know there are people all over who care...


kristi said...

I'm SOOO thankful that he is doing better. We are praying everyday that you don't get another phone call like that one. How scary for you!! You are both very strong and together you have one little fighter for a son. Keep fighting Zack!!!

Tanya said...

i've been checking you blog for good news, and here it is. that phone call muct have been so scary, but i'm glad he's ding better.

Contact: Ashley Mills said...

I am so happy to read an update on him. Sorry to hear about the additional complications! You are in our prayers. We love you!


OOOH!! What a cute little one:) you look so good I'm glad everything is going better..keep us updated!! Love you guys.

Ben and Melissa Ellis said...

Allie--He is such a sweetheart. I am so glad that this was a good week for him. What a strong little kid and parents. It was so good to see you guys at the reunion. I have that book and steam bags I can bring by if you still want to them. We will try to give you a call. Please let us know if we can be of any help, but most importantly know that we are thinking about you. I think Ben and Jared wanted to go golfing on Saturday. I think if they go we should go get a pedicure or something....what do you think?