Monday, July 28, 2008

24th of July

For Pioneer Day, Jared had to work a half day, so I went to the famous Pioneer Day Parade downtown with my mom and sisters (and aunts, uncles and cousins). We are not big on parades, so it was funny that we all got roped into going. But we all ended up enjoying ourselves, especially when my mom would jump up and dance when all the bands/floats would pass by!!

Then, we went to Copperton Park for a picnic with the extended family. That is always my favorite tradition... except the tradition is usually on the 4th of July when we go there. But again, good times there! I think Bitty really enjoyed herself!

Finally that night, Jared and I had a good time doing a few fireworks. That is always my favorite part about the holiday. We just wished that Zack could have been there to do his own sparklers. :> Next year, right?!


Josh, Amanda, and Talon said...

Yay, we had so much fun!! We are all so crazy!!

Ben and Melissa Ellis said...

Looks like you had fun. I am sure next year Zach will want to do his own sparklers! Hope he is still doing well and you guys as well. We are thinking of you!

Emily said...

I finally found your blog!! I had a break in school, so what do I do? BLOG! I love the pictures of Zack! He's so dang cute. I can't wait to see him in person. PLEASE let me know if there is anything we can do for you guys. We'll keep praying...:)