Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Mary's

This is a link to an article on our new friends that we met in the NICU at St. Mark's Hospital. They are the sweetest little family, and have been through just about everything you could imagine with preemies. They had twins born at 25 weeks and almost lost one of them, they live in Kansas, but ended up having their babies here, and they have 3 other kids at home in Kansas that she had to be away from!
Stacy has been such a sweet person to talk to throughout my 6 weeks in the NICU, and has such an amazing attitude towards life! Her little baby girls, as well as the other 3 at home, are very lucky to have such a loving and caring mom!
You can read this story and get more details, but I just wanted to post something on them and wish them the very best! We are going to miss them so much!! Good luck to them, we love you guys!!!


Ben and Melissa Ellis said...

I wish them luck as well. I bet it has been nice to have someone that can relate to you. Thanks for letting us read their story.