Monday, January 10, 2011

December/Christmas Fun!

Well it's time to post Christmas!
What a fun time we had in December this year! We kept busy with family and friends and just being the three of us! Some of the things we did through December were the Festival of Trees, Christmas party with friends, one with Jared's family, one with our townhome community, and one with our ward. Zack got to sit on Santa's lap at a couple different places. I also played the piano for the Christmas choir program again this year (a lot of time and work, but always worth it in the end.).

For Christmas Eve this year, we took Zack on the Frontrunner train downtown and then took Trax into Temple Square to see the lights. We all loved that! It was such a fun night together, and Zack LOVED the train!!

Christmas morning we opened presents from Santa, and it was such a blast having Zack so excited to FINALLY open presents (He was so patient all through Dec. seeing them under the tree.)! After that, we went to Jared's parents house for the usual brunch and gifts. Following that we went to my grandparent's house to visit them for Christmas.
My mom and sister's were able to come from St. George over the New Year holiday, so it was fun to spend some time with them, even though most of them were sick!