Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Happy Easter!

Easter is always a lot of fun for me, and this year was even better (I can only imagine what next year brings!) because of Zack's excitement. The saturday morning before Easter, we went to Smith's for an egg hunt. It was perfect! They had age groups separated, so it was nice for the little kids to get stuff too. They blocked off the aisles and scattered candy all up and down (they even hid some plastic eggs in the food on the shelves!). Needless to say, when it was time to start, we let Zack run in, and he immediately grabbed a piece of candy and started opening it! Nevermind the hundreds of pieces surrounding him, he just wanted one (Don't worry, we ended up getting more than we needed!).

Then on Sunday, we enjoyed General Conference and had our own little Easter fun. The Easter Bunny left little baskets for each of us too. That night, we had some of Jared's family and my mom over for Easter dinner and an egg hunt. It was a lot of fun!


Hall Family said...

Okay so Zack eating one candy is so funny!! He loves to do what he wants and not follow the croud. He is so stinkin cute. I need a dose of my Zack-a-roni and cheese soon!!!

Josh, Amanda, and Talon said...

Whoosh! You are alive. I thought I would never see a blog from you again. You gotta help a sister out from far away. Blog more often, I need to see more of your faces. Fun times for sure!